And the Winner is...

Pet Portrait by Carin Steen
Nala, acrylics on paper 30 x 40cm (© Carin Steen, 2023)

Last March 31st we held a fundraiser event in Antigua Guatemala for Unidos para los Animales. The goal was to raise funds for upcoming spay and neuter campaigns, the presentation of our new book Como cuidar a mi chucho, as well as letting people know what we've been up to (1222  sterilizations in 2022!) and a bit of fun! There were games, a Pup Quiz and of course a raffle. One of the prizes was a personalised, hand-painted pet portrait by yours truly and the prize went to Astrid Argueta who chose to have her beautiful cat Nala painted. Congratulations Astrid!

The model...

If you'd like to support the much needed spay/neuter clinics in Guatemala, please vist Unidos para los Animales' website.

If you'd like a free digital version of the activity book Como cuidar a mi chucho, send me a message or contact Unidos para los Animales.
